Season of the Deep kicks off today and Guardians will be diving deeper than ever before in a seasonal narrative that will see players plumbing the oceanic depths of Titan’s methane seas to uncover Golden Age tech. Subscribe to my free weekly content round-up newsletter, God Rolls. A new season of Destiny 2 has arrived and, with it, a new chapter in the ongoing epic narrative that is the Light & Darkness Saga. Admittedly one that should have been made long before one month ahead of a huge overhaul, but it’s good it’s happening all the same, and I hope to see a lot more elemental wells on the ground going forward from everyone.įollow me on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. In any case, this is a very, very good change by Bungie. I’d be surprised if Elemental Affinity survived the upcoming changes. The only real problem Bungie needs to solve here is the UI of so many mods available on each piece of gear if this happens, but given that we are heading into a new mod/loadout system, perhaps that will be possible. Elemental Affinity – Bungie has reduced elemental affinity swapping to a simple glimmer cost, but most people want it to go away altogether.Hopefully there will be a wider range of mods you can feel like you can use under the new system, whether that’s broader access, or buffs to underused mods. Too many mods have far too high of a cost and as such, you have to pick only the most powerful mods and nothing else ever gets used.
Mod Cost – Between mandatory stat mods and things like champion mods, you’re often left with few slots and energy to experiment with.Two points of contention with the current mod system that many in the community hope to see changed are: Are some mods being deleted? Heavily nerfed? Completely overhauled? Probably some mix of all of that, and we don’t yet know how drastically the entire mod system is being changed. Their current state? It’s not exactly clear what that means.