It also says that a DHSS employee called Farmer on Oct. The NWLC states that Farmer did not make the initial complaint. The investigation was authorized by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Oct. 31, 2022, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services confirmed that there was an investigation into Freeman Hospital in Joplin. Crystal Quade requests records of MO investigation into Joplin woman, hospital

Crystal Quade filed Sunshine Requests where she disclosed knowledge of an investigation into Freeman Hospital in Joplin and expressed concern over the timing of the investigation, and that the investigation was into Farmer herself. "As states like Missouri have rushed to ban (abortion), it is critical that the federal government take swift and decisive action to protect the health and lives of people experiencing pregnancy-related emergencies.” Federal law requires hospitals to provide emergency care irrespective of state law, including emergency abortion care that a state might deem to be illegal," said Michelle Banker, director of Reproductive Rights and Health Litigation at NWLC. Farmer is not just gut wrenching, it is unlawful. Farmer, who eventually traveled to Illinois to terminate her pregnancy after it was deemed "not viable," said she was unable to get help in Missouri, which about a month earlier had instituted a broad ban on abortion. Their client, Mylissa Farmer, is a Joplin woman who was turned away from both hospitals after her water broke 18 weeks into her pregnancy. The National Women's Law Center is asking the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to launch an independent investigation into whether a Joplin hospital and the University of Kansas Medical Center violated the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.